Our Loyalty Program
Earn Alix Love Points
Join our generous rewards program and start earning Alix Love Points every time you shop with us! It’s our way of saying thank you for being a loyal customer.
How It Works:
Earn $5 off for every 1000 Alix Love Points you collect. It’s easy to rack up points with these simple actions:
- Make a Purchase: Earn points every time you buy your favorite products.
- Refer a Friend: Share the love and get rewarded 1500 Alix Love Points when your friends shop with us.
- Add a Photo Review: Share your Alix Skincare experience with a photo review and earn a whopping 1500 Alix Love Points.
- Celebrate Your Birthday: Add your birthday to your account and receive bonus points as a gift from us!
Start earning Alix Love Points today and enjoy exclusive savings on the natural skincare products you love!